PWYP Norge inviterer til debatt: Afrika trenger politikk, ikke veldedighet

image *Afrika tapar enorme summar i ulovleg kapitalflukt, pengar som kunne ha blitt brukt for å skapa utvikling og gjere kontinentet mindre avhengig bistand. 28. November kjem 25 representanter fra sivilsamfunnet i seks afrikanske land til Litteraturhuset i Oslo for å møte norske politikarar og næringsliv. Dei krev politisk vilje til å stansa kapitalflukta.* *NB: Programmet har blitt noe forskjøvet i siste øyeblikk på grunn av uforutsette hendelser. Legg merke til at debatten nå starter klokka 12.50!* PWYP Norge inviterer til seminar om finansiell openheit, 28. november på Litteraturhuset mellom klokka 12 og 15. Seminaret kjem til å foregå på engelsk, og er ope for alle og gratis. For å få ei oversikt over kor mange som kjem, ber me om påmelding til Du kan også melde deg på "hendinga på Facebook": *ABOUT THE SEMINAR “POLITICS, NOT CHARITY”* * Financial secrecy has covered up enormous profits from trade in non-renewable natural resources, like oil and minerals. * 2/3 of the poorest people in the world live in resource-rich countries. Revenues from natural resources in Africa are at least nine times larger than aid. * Between 1980 and 2009 Africa lost $1,4 trillion in illicit financial flows. * Citizens need to detect whether their resources are channelled to reinvestment for domestic development, or if resources are exported to tax havens. * Investors need to follow the money in the companies they invest in. *25 citizens from six resource rich African countries have come to Norway to demand politics to stop capital flight from their countries, rather than charitable donations.* *PROGRAM* 12.00-12.10 Welcome by *Mona Thowsen*, secretary general of PWYP Norway. 12.10-12.30 Presentations by two of the African delegates: *Abena Afari* (Christian Aid Ghana) and *Winnie Ngabiirwe* (PWYP Uganda). 12.30-12.55 Investors for an extended country-by-country reporting, *Heidi Finskas*, Advisor Responsible Investments, KLP. 12.55-13.25 Panel discussion. Each panel member has a 5-minute appeal. 13.25-14.10 Moderated panel discussion. Moderator: Ingerid Salvesen. The panel consists of: * *Inger Coll*, head of Norwegian Economic Forum. * *Bjørn Otto Sverdrup*, Head of communication, Development & Production International, Statoil. * *Jose Correia Nunes*, Head of Budget Support and Public Finance Management at the European Commission, Development and Cooperation - EuropeAid. * *Hans Olav Syversen*, Member of Parliament, leader of the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs (KrF). * *Bård Vegar Solhjell*, Member of Parliament, member of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence (SV). 14.10-14.25 Coffee and cakes 14.25-15.00 Presentation of PWYP Norway’s new report on windfall taxes by *Frian Aarsnes*, public accountant and chairman in PWYP Norge.