Hva er utvidet land-for-land-rapportering? Hvorfor trenger vi det?

*See the video and find out: Launch of our publication on an _Extended Country by Country Reporting Standard_ and supporting investigations at the Freedom of Information Foundation in Oslo, 19th January 2012.* (Subtitles for the videos are available in Norwegian, English and Spanish. Once you have pressed play, choose language using the "CC-button" that appears on the bar below the video.) See the various speakers and presentations from the launch in the above video. Speakers: * Leif Sande, director, Industri Energi and vice president, ICMM * Mona Thowsen, secretary general, PWYP Norway * Hege Hertzberg, director for development policy, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs * Frian Aarsnes, state authorized public accountant and principal, Econ Pöyry * Morten Eriksen, senior public prosecutor, The national authority for investigation and prosecution of economic and environmental crime (Økokrim) * Francisco Bataller, head of public finance and development sector, DG DEVCOM, European Commission The above video is from the debate that followed the launch. Panel participants: * Frian Aarsnes, state authorized public accountant and principal, Econ Pöyry * Fanny Voldnes, registered public accountant, cand. philol. and head of economics, Norwegian union for municipal and general employees (Fagforbundet) * Joydhan Barua, state authorised public accountant and senior tax advisor, Norwegian directorate of taxes (Skattedirektoratet) * Morten Eriksen, senior public prosecutor, The national authority for investigation and prosecution of economic and environmental crime (Økokrim) * Leif Sande, director, Industri Energi and vice president, ICMM *Download the publications that were launched 19th January 2012:* * "An extended country-by-country reporting standard. A policy proposal to the EU":http://www.publishwhatyoupay.no/en/node/16403 * "Lost billions. Transfer pricing in the extractive industries":lost-billions-transfer-pricing-extractive-industries * "Protection from derivative abuse":http://www.publishwhatyoupay.no/en/protection-derivative-abuse